Provisioning allows system administrators to manage & configure large numbers of devices without the need to log into each individual web interface, which can save time and ensure consistent setups. This guide provides details on provisioning settings, parameters, and acceptable values used by Algo IP devices.
This guide was developed based on Algo firmware 5.5 and covers most parameters available across Algo IP endpoints. For settings not available in this document, please contact Algo support for assistance.
For steps required to configure provisioning and detailed behavior, please check the Provisioning Guide.
Generating Initial Configuration Files
The simplest way to create a configuration file is by first downloading configuration backup file for a device. To do this, open the device web interface, go to System → Maintenance, and click Download under Download Configuration File.
The downloaded configuration file is correctly formatted for provisioning and contains currently applied device settings. To edit this file, open the file in a text editor and modify it as required based on this guide.
Add comments to the configuration file using #. Only full line comments are allowed, meaning the # should be at the beginning of a line. If # is added after a parameter, it would be interpreted as part of the parameter’s value string.
The web interface can be used to find the name of a parameter you would like to modify. To do this, navigate to the setting of interest, right-click the name, and select Inspect. In the code window that appears, use the dropdown triangles to expand the code block and look for the name= “” tag.
Standard Parameter Values
The values below can be used to configure tone, volume, and strobe settings.
Pre-loaded Tone Files | Volume Settings | 8410/8420 Strobe Patterns |
8128G2 Strobe Patterns | 8138 Strobe Patterns | 8190S Strobe Patterns |
Product Parameter Guides
Many basic configuration parameters for Algo IP endpoints are the same, however, there are unique configuration parameters for each device type. View the parameter guides for each product category below to assist with creating configuration files.
Displays Provisioning Guide (Coming soon)
Visual Alerter Provisioning Guide (Coming soon)
Endpoint Management (8300) Provisioning Guide (Coming soon)